Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A little PEP from the Miller Pep Band!

Here is a little snip of the Miller Pep Band at last nights Basketball game. It was Senior night, they played North Eugene and came in second by about 10 points. Oh well, It's all about the music anyway! Enjoy--I know this will bring back some fond "Miller" memories for some of you!!


Emily said...

GO MILLERS! That was need to blog more!

*Stephanie Lance* said...

I'M SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!! Of you for blogging and of scooter for being in the pep band!!! i love that you posted that! it brought back such good memories!!!! KEEP BLOGGING!!!!!!! love you mama!!! oh p.s. MY COMPUTER IS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!

Amanda said...

Hi Aunt LeAnn! It's fun getting on your blog...I tagged you have to go to my blog, and answer the same questions and post it to your blog! Love you!

Amanda said...

I don't know if you have my blog address:

love you!

Danielle said...

That's awesome! I kept wondering if Andrew was somewhere in there and then he turned his head and I realized he was right there in the front! haha! That's awesome that he is in the pep band!

Carol and Bruce said...

Hey, great job! That does bring back good memories but that looks like a much smaller pep band than it used to be. Go Millers! I'll always be a fan.